Michigan designated the Historical Society of Michigan and the Michigan Historical Center as their lead organizations for 250th planning through executive action in late 2020.

December 23, 2020
Dear Chairman DiLella,
Thank you for your communication and your leadership in planning a commemoration of the 250th anniversary of our nation’s founding that will offer an opportunity for education, civic involvement, and examination of the historic themes and values upon which our country is based.
At the time of the American Revolution, the British ruled what became Michigan. In fear that George Rogers Clark might march all of the way to the Straits of Mackinac, in 1780/81 they built the fort on Mackinac Island that was, for a while, our nation’s second national park and remains one of the most beautiful places in America. The Treaty of Paris gave our state the shorelines of four of the five Great Lakes, making the American Revolution truly a seminal part of our history.
With that in mind, I am designating the directors of our private and our public statewide history organizations as Michigan’s official points of contact for the commemoration of the Michigan USA 250th Committee. Larry Wagenaar is the executive director of the Historical Society of Michigan and Sandra Clark is the director of the Michigan History Center, part of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources.
They and their boards will collaborate to enlist the involvement of state and local museums, historical societies, archives, historic preservation organizations, educators, Native American tribes and libraries, including representatives of Michigan’s diverse cultural groups and the Mackinac Island State Park Commission.
Their contact information is attached.
I look forward to Michigan’s participation in this commemoration.
Gretchen Whitmer
Governor of Michigan